responsable for loading and maintaining Amfphp configuration

package Amfphp_Core
author Ariel Sommeria-klein






$checkArgumentCount : Boolean

This should be set to false in production for performance reasons default is true


$disabledPlugins : array

$pluginsConfig : array

Add as needed. The advised format is the name of the plugin as key, and then paramName/paramValue pairs as an array. example: array('plugin' => array( 'paramName' =>'paramValue')) The array( 'paramName' =>'paramValue') will be passed as is to the plugin at construction time.


$pluginsFolders : array

defaults to AMFPHP_ROOTPATH . '/Plugins/'


$serviceFolderPaths : \<array>

$serviceNames2ClassFindInfo : \<array>

The key is the name of the service, the value is the class find info. for example: $serviceNames2ClassFindInfo["AmfphpDiscoveryService"] = new Amfphp_Core_Common_ClassFindInfo( dirname(FILE) . '/AmfphpDiscoveryService.php', 'AmfphpDiscoveryService'); The forward slash is important, don't use "\'!


$sharedConfig : array

The format is paramName/paramValue pairs as an array.



if true, there will be detailed information in the error messages, including confidential information like paths.


So it is advised to set to true for development purposes and to false in production. default is true. Set in the shared config. for example $this->sharedConfig[self::CONFIG_RETURN_ERROR_DETAILS] = true;